01 April 2010

So I was thinking..

I think I'm going to try something new in this space. Thought(s) of the day. Simple, concise, and possibly entertaining. (Also maybe rant-y)

Thought #1 - I fear that books may only have a few months to live.

Right? Can Kindles and I-pads replace the hefty feeling of a book in your hand?
Can you open a Kindle right to the middle and inhale the rich smell of the book binding?
Can you go back and read the comments you wrote in the margins the first time you read the book, and laugh at your limited insight? Then add more? And repeat the cycle?
Can you feel the ink on the page?
Can you truly appreciate the detail of illustrations?
Go ahead... call me old-fashioned. I won't mind. Although I do prefer VINTAGE.

Peace out.

1 comment:

  1. ugh, en serio. estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo! i will ALWAYS be a book lover... a BOOK lover... not a reading lover. reading from a screen, where you can scroll down to new text with your index finger, will never replace as reading from pages that you have to turn (and that you can smell! and take notes on! and underline! and add !!!!!'s!). i love books. i hate kindles. the end.
