24 May 2010

No comprendí, no comprendo, no comprenderé

I love my Savior.

I try as much as possible, though I am always learning and growing, to live my life to the glory of God, to please my Savior, and to be an example and encouragement to those around me.

I was born and have been raised LCMS Lutheran, that also includes baptism and confirmation in the LCMS Lutheran faith.

I went to an LCMS Lutheran grade school/church.

I went to an LCMS Lutheran high school.

My faith came alive when I was a junior in high school thanks in big part to the senior level theology teacher who constantly pushed us (in a good way) to live out our faith more and more as we grew and matured.

I did NOT go to an LCMS Lutheran college. I went to an "independent" Lutheran college.

At that college, I went to church, chapel, a Christian Fellowship. I led bible studies, and service projects. I worshipped, I sinned, I failed, and I was bathed in grace (Still am praise Jesus).

I now teach at my former high school. With that high school teacher who greatly blessed my life, and I respect as a teacher, a father, and a Christian brother.

Every once in a while, I have a brief exchange with that teacher, in which a shot is taken at my college. It is implied that I have fallen from my faith/my standing as a child of God, in a joking manner that has too much of a bite in it to be solely a joke.

I have just realized that it is the Devil's constant desire to divide and separate Christians through any means possible. Unfortunately, I believe that this is so often overlooked in and amongst ourselves.

Why are we allowing Satan the opportunity to use our own actions to hurt and cause our brothers and sisters as make our way through life in a fallen world? Isn't it hard enough with the world and society and our sinful nature beating us down every day? Why can we not encourage as well as speak truth that is biblically based into one another's lives?

No comprendí, no comprendo, no comprenderé.

Amanda N. Stenzel