Earlier this month I saw this comic:
and also by the art and heart of this young lady:
Check them both out and you might understand how my mind came up with the idea of creating a life size sidewalk chalk list that reminds us how to appreciate the small joys the life gives us.
I love being creative!
THE list.
The blank canvas.
The tools of the trade.
It all came together and this....
...was born!
#1 Smile at the next 3 people you see!
#2 Here have some luck! (there's a heads up penny in that circle.)
#3 Go puddle jumping the next time it rains!
#4 Wave at everyone you see today
#5 Hop on one foot for a while, then switch!
#6 Call your mom! Tell her I said, "Hi!"
#7 Look up your first best friend!
#8 Learn how to whistle!
#9 Go for a bike ride! Coast down hills. (Don't forget your helmet!)
#10 Turn off your car's A/C and radio. Roll down the windows and listen to the wind.
#11 Climb a tree. (Like this one.)
#12 Watch your favorite kid's movie. Do NOT analyze it.
#12 Catch some fireflies. Then let them GO!
#13 Stop stallin'! Tell him/her that you love him/her!
#14 Stay up late reading a book you love!
#15 Jump on your bed! (Don't forget your helmet!)
#16 Adopt a pet!
#19 Hopscotch. 'Nuff said.
#20 Go fly a kite!
#21 Forgive him, her, them, it, and YOURSELF.
#22 Hug the next person you see. (But not in a creepy way.)
#23 Go dancin'! Even if it's only in your living room.
#24 Go to the beach. Make a bonfire!
The end result? A smile on my face, one neighbor who thought I was a lil crazy, and VERY chalky jeans. :)
Parts 2 and 3 coming.